Sunday: Luke 1, Jeremiah 32:17; Why do you think God delights in doing the impossible? Is God asking you to believe something that seems impossible right now? Write down something you want to ask Him for this Christmas that seems impossible.
Monday: Matthew 2:1-12; The wise men worshiped Jesus by kneeling. Get on your knees (or find some other posture of humility as you are able, i.e. bowing your head, placing your open hands in your lap, etc.) and express to him right now how much you love Him. How does just being in that position change the position of your heart?
Tuesday: Galatians 4:1-7; Read the passage about how we have been adopted as children of God through Christ. Many people adopt a family to help during Christmas. Find someone who needs a family this Christmas and make plans to be that family for them.
Wednesday: Isaiah 58, Matthew 6:16-18; Take at least a day to fast from something. Journal about your experience of fasting. What did you learn? How did it change you?
Thursday: Luke 11:1-3; Use the Lord’s Prayer as a pattern to write down a prayer that has some of those same ideas in it. What parts of Jesus’ prayer pattern do you often leave out the times you pray? How was writing down your prayer different from just saying it?
Friday: John 1; What is significant about understanding that Jesus is The Word and that He has been God since the beginning? “Follow me” is a statement you find in John 1. What was it like when Jesus asked you to follow Him?
Saturday: John 21:25; Christmas is getting closer! It will be easy to lose focus on Him as the season gets busier. Read the last verse of the Gospel of John. What is your favorite part about Jesus’ life?