At River City we believe community is an important part of a healthy church life. When we come together to pray for one another, study the Bible together and share in each other’s lives, spiritual growth happens — not just for the individual, but for the church as a whole.
We hope being part of an active community group will lead you in personal discoveries and deeper friendships.
Men’s Bible Study
Fridays @ 7:30am, Hikes Pointe Heine Bros
Studying the
word together is integral to developing your faith and strengthening your walk with Christ and men joining together in Christian fellowship is a powerful way to grow as disciples of Christ. Our Men’s Bible Study spends time not only studying God’s Word, but also building one another up through encouragement and accountability. For more information, contact Pastor Derek, derek@rivercitymethodist.com

20 Somethings Community Group

Wednesday Evenings at 6:00pm, River City Gathering Room. Contact Nathan and Alex Dearen at nathandearen@gmail.com
Gather with a group of people in their 20’s to talk about life, the Bible and to get to know one another! This group meets weekly.
Youth Group (6th-12th Grade
IN PERSON: Sundays @ 5:30-7pm
March–River City Campus
April–Browns Ln Campus
Youth Group is meeting in person! We are excited to welcome your student! For more information on how to get involved contact Lexie at lexiecallaham@gmail.com or Amber at ajenkins@stmumc.org
Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon
- Thursday nights at 6:30pm. Contact Glenn at 502 296-0109 for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous–
- Sunday 2:30 and 4:00pm Groups. Contact George at 502 303-4487
- Monday Group “Lowe Road Group.” Contact Mary at 502 224-4242
Second Saturdays at 6:30pm
Next meeting: Saturday, March 12
Our newest group meets at River City Church on the Second Saturday of each month for board games, snacks, and fun! All ages are invited and encouraged to join. Childcare provided. Please bring a snack to share with everyone and if you would like, bring a favorite board game! This is a great way to get to know people and spend a Saturday evening. Each month will have a theme. Contact Matt Murry for more information: (812) 525-4152
2 Timothy 3:16-17“16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.”